How to Get the MOST Out of Your Home Shoot

Before Your Photographer Arrives Do This…

A Professional photographer knows how to create the best lighting, what angle is most pleasing to view and has the appropriate camera to produce beautiful images but what that cannot do is hide dirty dishes in the sink, dirty clothes from off the floors and beds, the pile of papers on the kitchen counter etc… I want you to get the most out of your photography session so here are a few tips for each room to get the best result.

From the beginning of real estate CURB APPEAL has always had a huge impact on the salability of a home and it is always what the buyer bases his first impression off of. In that case, I think preparing the Outside of Your Home for photographs should be a high priority.

  • Remove vehicles from driveway and if possible the curb.
  • Gather up hoses, toys, wheelbarrows etc…
  • Mow the lawn and then remove all equipment from view.

As for the interior of your home, the 3 main rooms that a viewer generally sees as high priority are the kitchen, living room and master bedroom.


  • Hide sponges, dish towels, and other cleaning supplies
  • Remove all appliances and kitchen utensils from the counter tops (you want to create the feeling of SPACE)
  • Hide the trash can (this will be said for any room)

Remove everything from the outside of the fridge and freezer including magnets, pictures, calendars…

Hide kitchen rugs (in any photograph, rugs tend to break-up a space and interrupt easy flow through a home)


  • Put away all remotes, magazines and books
  • Declutter any shelving or tables – lamps are one of the few things that can remain
  • Smooth couch cushions and arrange decorative pillows nicely


  • Remove EVERYTHING from night stands and tables – No alarm clocks, books, Glasses… again the only exception is a lamp
  • Hide any trash cans/diaper pails and toys
  • Make bed and neatly arrange the pillows

Now if you just can’t go any further at least your basics are covered however, every room is important so I HIGHLY encourage you to continue down the list.


  • Clear counter tops completely. Small decorative items may be left as long as there is still a feeling of good space.
  • Remove extra towels off of door hooks. Replace the towel rack with neatly folded and clean towels.
  • Put the toilet seat down.
  • Hide trash cans and clothes baskets.
  • Clear shower of all beauty products and toys (Razors, soaps, shampoo…)


  •  Pets can quickly turn away potential buyers so it is best to hide all evidence If possible.
  • The MLS site does not allow any image to be used that contains pets or people so it is IMPORTANT pets are out of site.

Now I told you to hide a lot of things and you may be asking well where do I put all of those things?? Photographers don’t usually photograph closets or the garage so that space is all free space to store items that shouldn’t be seen.  Good Luck!!